E A S T F I E L D    C O L L E G E

Dallas County Community College District


Division Office: C238, Division Phone: (972) 860-7119



Fall 2007    ARTS 1301    ART APPRECIATION


Section 4502    T 7:05 –9:55 P.M.       3 Credit Hours       Classroom F201


Final Exam: Tuesday December 11, 7:40-9:30pm.





Mike Kennedy                         EMAIL:  MikeKennedy@dcccd.edu

Elizabeth Simon                        EMAIL:  ElizabethSimon@dcccd.edu



ARTS 1301   Art Appreciation
Prerequisite: Developmental Reading 0093 or English as a Second Language (ESOL) 0044 or have met the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standard in Reading.
Films, lectures, slides, and discussions focus on the theoretical, cultural, and historical aspects of the visual arts. Emphasis is on the development of visual and aesthetic awareness.
Coordinating Board Academic Approval Number 5007035126



A WORLD OF ART, 5th Edition, by Henry M. Sayre, ISBN: 978-0-13-222186-3

TEXTBOOK WEBSITE:  http://wps.prenhall.com/hss_sayre_worldart_5




username: class            

password: 2007



August 28 (T)                           Class Begins

October 16 (T)                         Midterm Exam

November 1 (R)                       Museum Night

November 6 (T)                       Museum Paper Due

November 15 (R)                     Last Day to Withdraw with a Grade of “W”

November 22 (R)                     Thanksgiving Holiday

November 27 (T)                     Extra Credit Due

December 11 (T)                      Final Exam


Grades are based on exams, museum paper, pop quizzes and assignments.  There will be two exams: a mid-term exam and a non-comprehensive final exam. Each student must turn in the museum paper.  There will also be a series of pop quizzes and in-class and out-of-class assignments given throughout the semester.  The grades will be averaged as follows:


Midterm Exam                            30%

Final Exam                                 30%

Museum Paper                           20%

Quizzes and Assignments            20%



Exams will be based on the textbook, class lectures, slides, films, handouts, class assignments and other materials presented in class.  Test format will include multiple choice and short answer.  No make-up exams will be given.  Exams and the museum paper will be returned briefly but are retained by the instructor.  Exams and other exam related materials are not to be removed from the classroom.  Violations will result in penalties affecting your semester grade.



Each student is required to visit the Dallas Museum of Art.  Students must turn in a written assignment in the form of a journal entry describing their visit to the Dallas Museum of Art, as well as proof that the student actually went to the museum.  No museum papers will be accepted after due date.  Details of this assignment will be given in writing later in the semester.



Unannounced Pop Quizzes will be given throughout the semester.  Additionally, assignments will be given for both in-class and out-of-class completion.  The quizzes and assignments will account for a significant percentage of the semester grade.  Therefore, students are highly encouraged to attend every class, stay current with the textbook reading, review handouts and class notes prior to class, and complete all assignments per instructions.



Student’s Lecture Notes

Textbook:  A WORLD OF ART, 5th Ed.

Handouts and Study Guides Provided by Instructor

Course Website:  www.artdigit.com                  Username: class            Password: 2007

Textbook Website:  http://wps.prenhall.com/hss_sayre_worldart_5

Textbook CD-ROM



Each student may be rewarded up to 10 points of extra credit.  The points will be applied to the Final Exam grade.  Extra credit may be earned by visiting an art museum (other than the Dallas Museum of Art) and writing a paper on your experience.  The instructor will determine the points awarded for each extra credit project based on merit and quality of project.  Details of this assignment will be given in writing later in the semester.



A grade of Incomplete will not be given for this class.  If a student anticipates not being able to complete the class assignments or requirements they should withdrawal from the class.



The student is expected to attend all classes and be on time.  Roll will be taken at each class meeting.  Students who arrive after roll has been taken or leave before class is dismissed are considered “tardy”.  Leaving the classroom and returning during class time will also be counted as a “tardy”.  Every two tardies count as one absence.  You are responsible for all material and assignments covered during your absence.  Extra credit points will be awarded for perfect or near perfect attendance.  The amount of extra credit points awarded and how they will be applied will be determined by the instructors during the course of the semester.



Every student is entitled to full participation in class without interruption.  All students are expected to be in class and prepared to begin on time.  All mobile phones, pagers, headphones, laptops, electronic games, radios, tape or CD players, iPods or other devices that generate sound must be turned off and kept completely out of sight while in the classroom.  No eating, drinking, smoking or sleeping is allowed during the class period. Only a dire emergency justifies leaving the class early.  Do not leave the class until the instructor dismisses you.  Disruption of class, whether by latecomers, noisy devices or inconsiderable behavior will not be tolerated.  Should a student interrupt the learning process, the instructor reserves the right to ask that student to leave the classroom.  Flagrant or repeated violations of class policies will be penalized and may result in expulsion from the class.



The instructor can not initiate drops.  If you find it necessary to withdraw from the course, you must initiate that action by contacting the Office of the Registrar.  Please inform the instructor prior to taking this action.  The last day to drop with a grade of W this semester is Thursday, November 15, 2007.  Failure to officially withdrawal from a course will result in your receiving a performance grade of F.



Grade reports are no longer mailed.  Convenient access is available online or by telephone.  Use your student identification number when you log in to e-Connect or call DCCCD Touch Tone Services.  Web site address:  http://econnect.dcccd.edu/.  Telephone number: 972-613-1818.



The use of visual or written material produced by anyone other than the registered student without providing proper credit and citation will result in a semester grade of “F.”



The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to provide guidelines for the educational environment of The Dallas County Community College District.  Such an environment presupposes both rights and responsibilities. Disciplinary regulations at the college are set forth in writing in order to give students general notice of prohibited conduct.  Students should be aware of disciplinary actions for all forms of academic dishonesty including cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and collusion.  Your College Catalog and the DCCCD Catalog contain the entire Student Code of Conduct which is also on the Internet at http://dcccd.edu.


Eastfield College has a zero tolerance policy on sexual harassment.  All students shall report complaints of sexual harassment informally to the college Human Resources Director or formally to the Vice Chancellor of Educational Affairs.


In case of emergency or inclement weather conditions, Eastfield students should listen to KEOM-FM Radio Station (88.5) as the primary media source.  In partnership with the Mesquite Independent School District, Eastfield College Administration will notify KEOM immediately after a decision is made to cancel classes on any given day of inclement weather or for emergency purposes. Students may also monitor other local radio and television stations.  The earliest an announcement may be broadcast on KEOM Radio is 6 a.m.   Students may also refer to the Eastfield College web page www.eastfieldcollege.com for the Inclement Weather announcement under the Features area of the front page. The announcement will be posted immediately following the decision to close the college.



Printing in the Computer Lab (L-108), Library, and Learning Assistance Center will cost 5 cents a page.  Students must bring a $1.00, $5.00, $10.00, or $20.00 bill to the lab to create an account.  Accounts must be created before attempting to print.  No change is made in the lab.  Once the money is in the bill acceptor, it cannot be retrieved.  Cash refunds are not possible.  Accounts stay active as long as the account has value.



Legal privacy issues prevent your instructor from discussing your work or your grades on commercial e-mail accounts. If you wish to send your papers as attachments to an e-mail (and the instructor permits it), or if you have a question about the class, you must open a student e-mail account.  The account is free. You may set it up by going to www.dcccd.edu and click on Student Services, Online Services, and Student NetMail.  All students receiving financial aid must open a student NetMail account.



If you are receiving Financial Aid grants or loans, you must begin attendance in all classes.  Do not drop or stop attending any class without consulting the Financial Aid Office.  Changes in your enrollment level and failing grades may require that you repay financial aid funds.  Failure to contact the instructor will result in your name being submitted to the Financial Aid Office as a “non-attendee.” Students who are receiving any form of financial aid should check with the Financial Aid office prior to withdrawing from classes.  Withdrawals may affect your eligibility to receive further financial aid and could cause you to be in a position of repayment for the current semester.  Students who fail to attend or participate after the drop date are also subject to this policy.   All students receiving financial aid must open an Email account through NetMail.  See directions in this syllabus for opening an Email account.   



Pending legislative action and DCCCD Board approval, effective for Fall Semester 2005, the Dallas County Community Colleges will charge a higher tuition rate to students registering the third or subsequent time for a course. All third and subsequent attempts of the majority of credit and Continuing Education/Workforce Training courses will result in higher tuition to be charged.  Developmental Studies and some other courses will not be charged a higher tuition rate.  Third attempts include courses taken at any of the Dallas County Community Colleges since the Fall 2002 semester.  For complete information and updates, go to: http://www.dcccd.edu/ThirdCourseAttempt/.



Students who will be absent from class for the observance of a religious holiday must notify the instructor in advance.  Please refer to the college catalog section on Student Responsibilities.



If you are a student with a disability and/or special needs who requires ADA accommodations, please contact Eastfield College Disability Services Office at 972-860-8348.  For any testing accommodation, you must go through the EFC Disability Services Office.




1.  Reading - ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials—books, documents, articles- above 12th grade

2.  Writing - ability to produce clear, correct, and coherent prose adapted to purpose, occasion, and audience- above 12th grade

3.  Speaking - ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, audience - above 12th grade

4.  Listening - analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication, possess sufficient literacy skills of writing, reading – above 12th grade

5.  Critical Thinking - think and analyze at a critical level

6.  Computer Literacy - understand our technological society, use computer-based technology in communication, solving problems, acquiring information


1.  To demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.

2.  To understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an historical and social context.

3.  To respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.

4.  To engage in the creative process or interpretive performance and comprehend the physical and intellectual demands required of the author or visual or performing artist.

5.  To articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.

6.  To develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the humanities and arts.

7.  To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on intercultural experiences.


The instructor reserves the right to change or revise the course syllabus.





The Formal Elements and Their Design

            Chapter 5         Line

            Chapter 6         Space

            Chapter 7         Light and Color


The Fine Art Media

            Chapter 10       Drawing

            Chapter 12       Painting

            Chapter 14       Sculpture


MID TERM EXAM - Tuesday Oct. 16 ______________________________________________________________________________


The Visual Record

            Chapter 18       The Ancient World

            Chapter 19       The Christian Era

            Chapter 20       The Renaissance through Baroque

Chapter 21       The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Chapter 22       The Twentieth Century


MUSEUM PAPER DUE - Tuesday, November 6 


EXTRA CREDIT PAPERS DUE - Tuesday, November 27 



FINAL EXAM   Tuesday December 11, 7:40-9:30 PM





*The instructor reserves the right to change or revise the lecture topics and exam dates.



















I have received a copy of the syllabus for the following course:



FALL 2007


Instructors: Mike Kennedy/Elizabeth Simon


I have read this syllabus.  I understand its content, the expectations of this course, and acceptable behavior in the classroom as outlined in this syllabus.





Student Signature                                                                                                    Date




Student Printed Name




Student ID# or SS#